Swamp Shark Marine Propulsion Systems: Advanced Technologies
`It's The Ultimate Go Anywhere Do Anythng High Horsepower Propultion System, It's the Most Reliable Propulsion System on the Market it must be seen to be Belived. ------ NOTHING COMPARES
This Marine Drive is an ALL - Terrain Surface Drive Capable of Traversing through all types of Above Water Foatimg Logs and Shallow Swamp Debris Strewan areas with Tall, Thick Vegetation, Submerged - Logs, Stumps, Heavy Mud, iron etc.
This Multiple Patented Device has a Unique Multifunction Electronically Controlled Hydraulic system, allowing this SS Drive to Glide Over Floating & Underwater Debris Smoothly. Unlike Previous Designs, all Models also have Power Steering.
There is a Lot Going on Mechanically , but as the Operater you are Virtually Unaware of it, the Result is a Surprisingly Refined Smooth Ride , this Systeem is Incredibly Dynamic always Working in the Background and the Results are Unbeliviable
The Keel Cooling System
Features a Self Contained Triple Patented Technology - Keel Cooling System and Several Industry Firsts Consists of a CNC - Cut Machined Stainless Steel Surface Drive , internal / External Stabilizing Hydraulics and a Specialized Internal Cooling System all of completely Original Desgin. The Result is a an incredibly Reliable and Highly Durable System ( it just GLIDES over Everyting )
Every Existing Propulsion System used by Work Boats and Military Patrol Boats and Outboards is a Flawed choice , they Rely on a Constant Flow of Clean Water to Operate, when the intakes Clog on a Military Patrol Boat the Troops are sitting Ducks, Commercial Work Boats are Vulnerble to Bad weather and Rescue Operations where Loss of Life could be an Issue
Swamp Shark addresses these issues with no need for Overboard Water with no Appendages Beneath the Hull, NO need for Overboard Raw Water, the. Highly - Efficient System Cools Engine Oil ,Power Steering , and Transmission Fluid , Wet Manifolds Including Boost -Air intercoolers for Turbo or Supercharged Engines, all with no Reliance on Outside Water

The Swamp Shark Drive is offered in 2 different Configurations
Drives are 316 Stainless Steel Built to Military Standards
Our in House Custom Built 316 Stainless and Nibral Hydraulic Cylinders with Ground and Polished - Heat Treated !7-4 Aquamet Stainless Cylinder Rods ( No Chrome to Peel or Flake ) All Stainless Through -Out
The Pivot Points Steering and Trim are NON Greasable , Super Composite Polymer Bushings 450.000 Side Load Capablilies / U-Joints are Guaranteed by Spicer 80,000 Mile range without Greasing
We Manfacture Drives for Boats from 21 to 55 Foot
What Come's With a Swamp Shark Drive ?
Base & HD Units Come with a Rotary Power Steering Valve & Splined Coloumn with Fittings - Marine Hydraulic Hoses 6000 psi Operating / 25,000 Burst Pressure - with Outer Fire Retardent Outer Skin - Stainless Steel Hydraulic Fittings Rated @ 30,000 psi Burst Pressure - Dual 1 Liter Drive Oil Reservoirs with Oil Level Sight Tube , including Electronic Monitor with Red LED Warning Light when Reservoir is HALF Empty .
The Hydraulic System Operates at a Maximam of 2,500 psi
Base Duty Units / Applications are to 850 Ft. Lbs. Torque, All Diesel Engines to 300 Hp. / Gasoline Engines to 550 Hp.
Heavy Duty Units / Various Marine Diesel Engines to 2000 FT. Lbs. Torque with ZF.or Twin Disk Transmission's, Multiple Engine Capabilities / Gasoline Engines GM LS Naturally Asperated 6.2 L , Supercharged or Turbo Charged.
( Note ) We have Installed many Diesel and Gasoline Engines and Transmissions through the Years, we have Extensive knowladge in Facilitating these Procedures , We do not sell or Get Commisions from Engine and Transmission Sales , we only Recomend these Vendors who have Treated our Customers Fairly ) We are More than Willing to Disiminate Information needed for a Sucessful Installation Based on our Knowledge of the Process saving the Client Time and Money,
( Note ) Some of these Vendors Give Discounts to my Clients
Diesel Engines - Cummins Marine , Duramax Marine , Caterpillar Marine , Yanmar Marine , Hyundai Marine , Volvo Penta Marine , MAN Marine
Our all- Terrain Propellers are Offered in 16 inch & 18 inch Diameter Dependant on Application, IE.- Hp. and Torque
Custom Drives - are Available to- 4,500 Ft. Lbs of Torque by Special Order
Keel Coolers
The Size of our Keel Coolers Depend on the BTU per Minute an Engine Produces ( the more the BTU number the Larger the Keel Cooler ) Example - your Average - Diesel or Gas to 450 Hp will NOT Use all of the Extra Space in the Engine Bay